Leaders, business owners, and community members who endorse Nikki include:

Mike Westcott
Retired teacher & Superintendent Mingus Union
High School
I have always found Nikki to be responsive, informed, and motivated to develop an understanding of issues from all angles and perspectives, and wholeheartedly endorse her for Yavapai County Supervisor.

Paula Woolsey
Instructor Yavapai College's Southwest Wine Center
I am pleased to endorse my friend Nikki Check for her candidacy. Nikki exemplifies what it means to be a dedicated public servant. She is a remarkable listener, always taking the time to understand the concerns and needs of her community. Her ability to connect with people and genuinely empathize with their situations sets her apart.
I have no doubt that she will make a significant impact and continue to fight for the values and needs of our community. Please join me in supporting Nikki in her campaign for County Supervisor.

Chip Currie
Recent Mingus Union High School Board member
As a resident of the Verde Valley for 44 years I’ve observed and worked with candidates running for local and statewide offices. Few, if any, have been impressive or engaging as Nikki Check. She is dedicated, talented, intelligent and committed to the responsibilities expected of elected officials. A life long member of this community she understands the issues, is skilled in processing and willing to work with her fellow colleagues to find acceptable solutions. Regardless of political affiliation! Her personality allows all she meets to believe they will touched by “the better angels of our nature” leaving differences aside. Therefore, with enthusiasm, I give full and unconditional support to Nikki Check for the office of Yavapai County

Ginger Mackenzie
President Jerome
Chamber of Commerce
Owner of Vino Zona
Nikki is smart and results-oriented. She has the innate talent to communicate complicated issues in a way that is clear and easy to understand.
She approaches things not only with measured and informed intelligence but with heart and love for our beloved natural resources and community. We would be lucky to have her looking out for us as Yavapai County Supervisor.

Chip Davis
Yavapai County Treasurer
Former D3 Supervisor
I believe that Nikki Check has the skills, personality and intelligence to lead the Verde Valley and Yavapai County to a bright and promising future. She has a genuine passion for the environment, surface and ground water, healthy economy and the rich history of Yavapai County.
The position of County Supervisor requires not only working across the aisle but across district boundaries and doing what is best for the Verde Valley region.
The Verde Valleys greatest accomplishments come when your county supervisor works in partnership with the surrounding cities, towns and unincorporated community leaders. Nikki has been active in our communities for the past decade, she has proven herself to me. Please join me in supporting this up and coming leader.

Randy & Debbie Garrison
Former D3 Supervisor
Owners of Small Batch Wine & Spirits, Cottonwood
As you decide which candidate to support as our representative on the Yavapai County Board of Supervisors, it is important that you consider their ethics, honesty, sense of loyalty, and their proven ability to work well with others. We must select a leader that knows the communities of the Verde Valley, the needs and values of our neighbors, and is willing to show up for work on your behalf.
We support Nikki as that candidate. She has built strong relationships with other leaders throughout the Verde Valley, Yavapai County and the State, and is ready to step up and represent your voice for District 3.

Sandy Moriarty
Former Sedona Mayor
I believe Nikki Check is the best candidate to serve as Yavapai County District 3 Supervisor.
She was born and raised in the Prescott area and has lived in the Verde Valley since 2008, so she knows the county well.
She has worked collaboratively in the past with county leaders as the Mayor of Jerome and will continue to do so as County Supervisor.
She will invest tax dollars wisely and she will effectively balance the diverse interests of economic development, open space and conservation of natural resources.

Rob Adams
Former Sedona Mayor
I had the pleasure of working with Nikki while I was serving as Mayor of Sedona and she was the Mayor of Jerome. Nikki is extremely personable, a good listener and a consensus builder.
She understands that she is a representative of all the people in her district, and must do extensive due diligence to determine the will of the majority of her constituents.
She is a team player and knows how to represent her constituents without alienating representatives of other constituents. This is a fine line to walk as a Yavapai County Supervisor. I hope you will join me in supporting Nikki Check for Supervisor.

Camille Cox
Program Director of Sedona Red Rock Trail Fund and Former President of the Big Park Coordinating Council
Nikki has the energy and intelligence needed on the Board of Supervisors.
I believe her willingness to listen and learn from our diverse communities will serve us well.

Tony Gioia
Former Mayor of the City
of Camp Verde
Nikki Check has always impressed me with the determination to make life better for others in the greater community.
I've had opportunities to work alongside her for a couple of decades. Nikki not only has a can-do attitude but she gets it done!

Arizona List is a statewide membership network that works to elect pro-choice Democratic women running for office in Arizona.
Arizona List supports leaders who will drive change. Change is truly needed in our state and will come from thoughtful, progressive elected women who will roll up their sleeves and do the work.

314 Action is dedicated to electing Democratic scientists to public office.
314 ACTION FUND has officially endorsed Nikki Check to be Supervisor of District 3, Yavapai County

Scott Jablow
Sedona Mayor
Nikki is a balanced, responsive and reliable advocate for the Verde Valley. I wholeheartedly support her.
I endorse Nikki Check as our next Yavapai County Dist. 3 Supervisor. Nikki has proven herself to be open to representing all of her constituents even those who reside within incorporated communities.
Nikki knows the issues within District. 3 and has the personality to work with all of the leaders within the Verde Valley.

Robyn Prud'homme-Bauer
Clarkdale Mayor
I am excited to support Nikki Check for Yavapai County Supervisor. Nikki understands that the role of a Supervisor is to represent all of the people in her district. Through her experience as a Mayor, she also knows how to work with other elected officials on issues in common. I encourage you to join me in supporting Nikki Check for Yavapai County Supervisor, District 3.

Christina "Alex" Barber
Jerome Mayor
I support Nikki Check for Yavapai County Supervisor. As a former Mayor of the Town of Jerome, Nikki understands the need to be a team player and actively work with the residents towards achieving goals. Nikki is an asset to the communities of Yavapai County. I suggest you join me in supporting Nikki Check for District 3 Supervisor.
Debbie Wilden
Cottonwood Vice Mayor
I wholeheartedly support Nikki Check for District 3 Supervisor, and the reason why is simple; every interaction I have had with Nikki, in person or from afar, has been meaningful, positive and intellectual with the best interest and solutions for all communities and residents within Yavapai County. I encourage you to read the last paragraph on her website ABOUT Nikki to understand why she is the best choice to represent us all.

Carolyn Fisher
Former President
Big Park Council
I’m supporting Nikki Check for Yavapai County District 3 Supervisor. She has demonstrated her leadership capabilities and, most importantly, her listening skills in many ways and in many positions.

Holli Ploog
Sedona Vice Mayor
Nikki Check has the integrity I expect from a county supervisor.

Kathy Kinsella
Sedona City Council
Nikki Check has the strength of character to put her district constituents first.

Brian Fultz
Sedona City Council
Nikki has the credibility and commitment to advocate effectively for Sedona and the Verde Valley.

Jessica Williamson
Sedona City Council
Nikki is a balanced, responsive and reliable advocate for the Verde Valley. I wholeheartedly support her.
I endorse Nikki Check as our next Yavapai County Dist. 3 Supervisor. Nikki has proven herself to be open to representing all of her constituents even those who reside within incorporated communities. Nikki knows the issues within Dist. 6 and has the personality to work with all of the leaders within the Verde Valley.

Evan Rothrock
Wine Educator
Merkin Vineyards
I proudly support Nikki Check for Board of Supervisors. As a Cottonwood native, I am warmed by the pride Nikki shows for the Verde Valley. She exercises perseverance, authenticity, collaboration, and humility in her lifelong efforts toward the betterment of our communities. Nikki believes the individuals and organizations within our cities and rural areas know what they want to bring District 3 forward and she takes the time to listen to them.

Born and raised in Yavapai County, Nikki has shown herself to be committed to intelligent and thoughtful leadership as a Mayor, mother, farmer, and founding Director of the Yavapai College Southwest Wine Center. She will work hard for all citizens of Sedona and the Verde Valley.

Al Comello
President of Sedona Historical Society & Former Sedona Fire District Board Member
I've had the pleasure of knowing Nikki Check for the past six years when she and I were on the board of The Verde Valley Forum for Public Affairs.
Nikki is authentic. She's strong and focused and stays on task until it's completed. As our supervisor for District 3, she will be responsive to the needs of the district. She will build bridges with the "Prescott" side of the mountain.
Democrats of the Red Rocks
Democrats of the Red Rocks is a Democratic Club serving Sedona and the Verde Valley that welcomes all independent-minded citizens.
The Board believes Nikki will do an excellent job and hopes that Nikki will have the opportunity to represent the citizens of District 3 starting in January 2025.

Sean Smith
Sedona Resident
I've been very impressed with Nikki's commitment to deep learning on issues. I feel she represents a much needed shift on the county board of supervisors to ensure the best interests of our district are properly represented.

Fred Shinn & Terrie Frankel Sedona Police Volunteers Founder & Veterans Advocate
We are honored to endorse Nikki Check to be the next District 3 Supervisor. A native Arizonan, young mother, farmer and former Mayor of Jerome, Nikki is a born leader. Her ability to listen, find solutions, bring people together, and proceed with integrity and common sense, make her the perfect choice to represent everyone in our community.

Kris Pothier
Co-Owner, Chateau Tumbleweed
Nikki believes in upward momentum for small businesses. Nikki is an advocate for agriculture and the wine industry and as a winery owner, I appreciate that she is willing to fight for us in the political arena.

Pete Furman
Sedona City Council
Nikki offers a rare combination of youthful energy and experience as an elected official. She’ll represent Sedona and the Verde Valley well.

Diana Christensen
Vice President - DORR
I wholeheartedly endorse Nikki Check! Nikki is thoughtful, smart, and a go-getter. In the world of conflict politics, she is a breath of fresh air, considering first what is right for the situation and our communities, and then figuring out how to get there. We desperately need a supervisor who will advocate for our particular interests and needs within the enormity of Yavapai County.

Bill Regner
Former Clarkdale Councilman
It’s a rare opportunity to have a candidate as qualified, experienced, and informed as Nikki Check for an office as important to our region as County Supervisor. I am all in for electing Nikki.

Derek Pfaff
Sedona City Council Elect
I enthusiastically endorse Nikki Check for Yavapai County Supervisor. She’s hardworking, well-informed, honest, and her friendly, down-to-earth nature makes her an ideal representative for the residents of District 3. She’ll make the Verde Valley proud.

Helen Jarnes
Sedona Resident - 21 Years
Nikki Check will be a refreshing change from our current county supervisor. Her achievements, and policies align with the needs and values of our local community. Proven leadership qualities and dedication to public service will help to bring positive change. She is a pleasure to run into at our local events especially the Sedona St Patrick's Day parade!

Steve Segner
Owner, El Portal Hotel
Nikki Check is independent and will represent all the residents of District 3, Yavapai County, not just the wealthy and powerful.

Kim Brown
Verde Valley Resident
I proudly endorse Nikki Check for County Supervisor. Through experiences in the business world, I've learned the importance of strong leadership, community engagement, and the ability to bring people together to achieve common goals. Through our friendship, I've witnessed Nikki's tireless work ethic, dedication to understanding diverse perspectives, selfless volunteerism, and love for the Verde Valley. Her deep roots in Yavapai County and proven leadership make her the ideal candidate to advocate for our communities.

Toby Friedman
Sedona Resident
Nikki Check represents the goals of people in District 3. She will meet our needs as County Supervisor.

Becky O'Banion
Former Board Member
Clarkdale-Jerome School Board
The time is now for Nikki to represent us on the Yavapai Board of Supervisors. She's talented, brilliant, hard working, sweet...and fierce. Let's see what Nikki can do!

Dave Soto
Immediate Past Board Chair
Sedona Fire District

Bree Nation
Assistant Wine Maker
Page Springs Cellars

Corrie Cooperman
Governing Board Trustee
Sedona Fire District